Korg PA Manager PDF Manual

General discussions related to KORG PA Manager.
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Korg PA Manager PDF Manual

Post by Chelsea4023 »

Although I purchased this software quite some time ago, it's only now that I am actually starting to use it. Could someone please send me a link to the Manual. I cannot find anything except a handful of videos which do not explain anything that I would like to do.
As the software cost well in excess of £100 to purchase I refuse to accept a manual has not been written for it. Unfortunately some of us struggle to learn things without the assistance of one .
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Re: Korg PA Manager PDF Manual

Post by Admin »

Hi Chris,

We don't have any User Manuals for KORG PA Manager, simply because it's quite easy and straightforward to use.
Instead we have Video Tutorials, which seem to be more requested by users, then PDF Manuals.

If there's anything specific you need help, please let us know and we'll do our best to guide you.
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Re: Korg PA Manager PDF Manual

Post by hazzelmann »

I saw the reply to this question and just wanted to comment... *Of course* there should be some kind of a written user's manual included. That's just standard. Anything you buy, even the simplest coffee machine, has one.
The video tutorials are nice, your willingness to answer questions and this forum are all things that are good to have, but there is no sufficiently structured way to SEARCH for answers to basic questions, all the "to do's" and the very important "don'ts". How NOT to fuck up your existing sets on your PA for example. :)

"...quite easy and straightforward to use" you say... well, no, you can't just take for granted that everyone has that kind of basic understanding of even how the PA keyboards themselves work when they buy your product.

The video tutorials "seem to be more requested than PDF manuals"? Really? I support Chris' view here. Of course there should be a decently structured, written manual for a product of this level of complexity that also cost over £100.

with friendly regards, I sincerely really like the PA manager itself. Good job. :)
- Hans
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