Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

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Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Bili2015 »

Dear Admin,

there is a big problem with processing samples on v4. If this will not fixed or updated existing Set´s will go corrupt!

here is the problem. let´s say i have only drums without Multisamples loaded. When i look at the size of RAM.kmp in Multisamples Folder i have a size of let´s say of 200kb. Until there everything is okey but when i add let´s say 20 or 40 multisamples in this existing set and save this set the size of the RAM.kmp is going lower to let´s say 188kb! And this is ab big Problem !
Now normally if we make this complete process on Pa4X the size will increase from 200kb to let´s say 220kb and this is the right Way because database is growing and the files don´t get corrupt.

Now what i mean with corrupt. when you want to delete later some single multisamples again, this is not possible because of error in subscript of the file !!!
You can´t even overwrite it or change fine tunings or delete the multisample because database going corrupted
Even when i want to delete this in Pa4X the machine is crashing and restart again.

So without fixing this big issue the v4 is a crap and the money i have paid was not justified!

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Re: Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Admin »


The RAM.kmp get's compressed, so that's not the real way of checking anything as the size will always vary.
The right way to check anything is to load the SET on to the SAMPLE Manager and see if all the samples are there.

Can you load your SET on to the SAMPLE Manager and confirm all samples are there ?
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Re: Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Bili2015 »

Hello again,

you wrote: The RAM.kmp get's compressed, so that's not the real way of checking anything
As i know only Ram1 until Ram99 get compressed but this is not happening to RAM.kmp.

you wrote: Can you load your SET on to the SAMPLE Manager and confirm all samples are there !
Yes loading the Set is not the Problem my problem is with let´s say ´´ghost´´ Multisamples wich are not delete able anymore.

As i wrote when i make this complete process on Pa4x Machine everything is perfect because RAM.kmp is growing but with v4 this is not the same. So why can't you program v4 to handle it exactly as it does in Pa4X ?

I wished to here from you okey i will check that out and make an update.

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Re: Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Admin »

you wrote: As i know only Ram1 until Ram99 get compressed but this is not happening to RAM.kmp.

Sorry, but you've known wrong. There is noting wrong with the RAM.kmp and please stop comparing vs the keyboard. The compression algorithm changes the final size afterwards. So it's no real indication to anything.

you wrote: Yes loading the Set is not the Problem my problem is with let´s say ´´ghost´´ Multisamples wich are not delete able anymore.

There could be ghost samples with no reference but that's something to do with the SET, not the software.
Why don't you attach and send us a SET with any problems so we can take a look? I think that's the best way to understand what the concern is.
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Re: Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Bili2015 »

Hello again,

now i found an work a round for my problem.
And RAM.kmp is growing as expected.
But i will not post the solution here maybe other users will force same problen as i and then you will bring an update.

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Re: Big Bug V4 with Sample Handling

Post by Admin »


So what was the problem after all?
Why not share the solution if there is a problem so other users can avoid or we can fix?
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