Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

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Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

Post by 1zmiri »

Hello KorgpaManager i hope you’re doing well i really appreciate your work and every help with the beautiful software you have created

I would like an option that can detect samplers that are not used on styles from DK and remove it because for example one style have only on DK and that dk it’s not used in other styles so my style uses only 7 parts of the DK the rest just stays on the room and filling the sampler room for no reason it’s very a hard job to do this one by one so if that’s possible to detect and remove automatically that’s would be a life saver

Best regards: Izmir
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Re: Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

Post by Admin »


That would lead to many other issues down the line, when Other Styles would end up using other parts of the samples on a dK key.
The idea is to keep a UserDK unique, that way even when copied between SETs, the UserdK remains the same.
By this method, you will very quickly end up filling up USERDK Bank space and run out of space to add more DK's.
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Re: Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

Post by apokorg »

Hello, I was going to suggest the same future, we are getting too many unused sounds getting imported with a DK used by a style that we are copying to our set, could you explain with more details what is gonna be wrong with this, I will give example: I am copying a X style to my new set, and that "X" style is using a drum kit named "A" - from which kit in the style are being played 20 samples from all the maybe even 128 on the DK (ofc sometimes are being used factory samples on some keys - even if they are not used on the style, they should be imported to their original key on the DK, since they dont take any space) , so KPM should copy only the samples played in that style, and the rest keys on that drum kit to get assigned with "empty" slot . Next I am copying "Y" style which is using the same "A" drum kit but with instead of 20 samples being used on this style, it is using 40 samples, which were not imported due to the 1st "X" style, now KPM should just import those rest 20 samples to the empty slots . This feature would save us lots of sample number and memory . Thanks, looking for a reply .
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Re: Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

Post by Admin »

And once those empty slots are used up, we can't switch no another DK/sound.
It's just cause a DOMINO effect down the line where one DK would not be enough.

It's just a very rooted issue that's hard to explain unless you really understand the links between each sound/sample etc...

So, this feature for sure won't ever be available.
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Re: Automatically Detect unused samplers on Style and Delete

Post by 1zmiri »

I think it’s possible to make it , like the unassigned samplers that are not assigned to any drum kit or to any sound could be the option unassigned samplers for dk to specific styles , I understand needs a lot of coding and time to implement this future but i think this would save many people samplers memory , for example create a set on korg pa manager and when the set it’s completed i save that set then i upload the set and i have an option delete unassigned samplers from dk and style map that would scan all the styles and the samplers to detect samplers that are unused and delete them space will be saved and the costumer will be more happy with the software you providing i know many people who are suffering from this issue and they can’t upload many style they want because sampler memory its full and they have like 20 styles on keyboard , i know that may look impossible but give a try maybe that will be impossible a day i would pay extra for that kind of feature trust me .

Thank you for the best software and keep the work going because its a very nice software
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